Monday, June 8, 2009

Whats New

Hello to everyone in blogland
Hello to everyone who enjoys pretty shabby things.

It is nice sometimes to just kick back with a cup of your favourite tea or coffee and catch up on your favourite blogs, think happy positive thoughts and become inspired.
Unfortunately I don't blog often enough, I can't believe it has been March since I last posted.
how bad is that.
What has been happening recently?

A visit to the lovely Mt. Mee to check out the markets there and enjoyed a georgous morning tea
at Birches restaurant, even though it wasn't a real cold day it was nice to sit beside the fire
and just chill and enjoy.

My daughter and her family have been down for a visit and gave me the opportunity to spend quality time with my 2 grandchildren, lots of fun and Nannie cuddles. Modern technology is wonderful, web cam email etc but it is not the same as the real thing.

We are busy planning a baby shower for Lee-ann's dauhter whose baby is due in July
Lee-ann is also busy re-decorating her spare bedroom converting it to a visiting babys room.

I have still been job hunting with no luck until last week when a phone call came with good news,
success at last and I start a new job on the 16th June. Hooray!! Hooray!!.
Thinking about no job has taken a bit of a toll on my sewing and other creative things, so I am
hoping now I will become more inspired and creative.

Tomorrow we are off to Ipswich to visit Handmade Heaven and look at the possibility of putting some of our pretty products in the shop... we will see.

I have tried my hand at some painted metal signs to put on our market stall..see what you think.

Chat soon, hopefully a bit more regularly....Lyn x